Corporate Chic.
Community Builder.
Hi! I’m Samantha (She/Her), a Jill of many random trades (hence the nickname: Random Sam). Born to Caribbean immigrants, I grew up in South Florida, where I spent many hours reading period or science fiction novels and watching films released decades before my birth. I have a bachelor’s in Finance and a master’s in Human Services Counseling. I was pursuing a Master’s in Integrated Design, Business, and Technology at the University of Southern California.
Professionally, I’ve done everything from originating and managing multi-million dollar commercial portfolios to product management and managing risk, analytics, and consumer projects at a multinational automotive corporation. Currently, I am an awesome Program Manager in the FinTech space.
Passionately, I am a digital storyteller and community builder online (TikTok and Instagram) and offline (conferences and workshops). I’m known as a leading voice in trauma-informed adulting and gentle parenting. I’ve amassed hundreds of thousands of followers and millions of views by sharing candid moments, learnings, and commentary on topics like intentional parenting, socio-emotional health, and cultural commentary. I am also very passionate about social impact and justice work.
Personally, I’m a hipster mom and a chill wife to my college sweetheart—a Bibliophile who reads at least four books a month. When I’m not in the office, I’m a volunteer leader for Black Girls CODE, tell stories with photography, speak publicly to anyone who will listen, and ponder society and culture. I am pretty much a nerd trying to live her best life.